Our Legal Rights to Organize

What are our Labor Rights?

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects our right to join together to address working conditions with our coworkers without being disciplined or terminated and to file complaints when our rights are violated. If our rights are violated, we will file Unfair Labor Practice complaints with the NLRB.

All Employees Have a Right To:

  • Select a union bargaining agent without being threatened or intimidated by the employer.
  • Discuss our union anytime other non-work related discussions are permissible. This also applies for the distribution of union literature.
  • Wear buttons supporting organizing or collective bargaining activities.
  • Be free from management spying for the purpose of observing our union activities, refuse to discuss our union with supervisors or other personnel in a managerial capacity.
  • Keep written records of all violations of these rights (time, place, people involved and incident). 

The Employer Cannot:

  • Discriminate because of your union membership, or your activities or statements in support of your union.
  • Prevent you from talking with other employees about your union anytime other non-work-related discussions are permitted.
  • Interfere with your right to wear a button supporting organizing or bargaining activities.
  • Promise benefits to encourage you to vote against or abandon support for your union.
  • Grant a pay increase, resolve a grievance, or change working conditions to influence your support or feelings about your union.
  • Threaten to close the facility or lay off employees if your union is selected.
  • Compel any employee to discuss their union or any matters related to it.
  • Support or give assistance to anti-union employees.
  • Solicit grievances or promise to remedy them to keep your union out.
  • Have supervisors or management persons call employees at home to ask about their support or feelings about their union.
  • Spy on employees for the purpose of observing union activities.

  Visit the National Labor Relations Board for more information.

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